Who We Are

Over the past 11 years, we have trained over 2,500 Leaders from more than 100 Organizations using programs similar to Coaching Based Ministry, and our staff has spent over 59,000 hours developing, testing and delivering these programs.  The fact that we are an approved training provider for Christian Coaches Network International attests to the quality of what we offer.

  • The photo below is from our pre-Covid Life Coach Training days.
  • And below that is our Coaching Based Ministry book.

Coaching Based Ministry Book

Ministry efforts have traditionally depended on the ability of experts to impart knowledge, experience, and advice. But we have discovered that coaching is the single most effective process for guiding spiritual transformation, personal growth, and leader development.  We are also convinced that discovery on the part of churches and faith-based organizations of the power of coaching will spark a growing effort to rebuild ministries and develop leaders around the Coaching Based Ministry model.

Available on Amazon.com - click here to order

"Most church leaders are quite comfortable being "tellers" as we work with groups and volunteers. But this material has the potential of truly transforming the individual and the church through internal creative change."

Dr. Brad Kalajainen, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Caldedonia, MI

"The coaching approach to ministry takes the burden off the coach and encourages the person being coached to turn to God. This book provides a blueprint that will revolutionize your ministry."

Mark Vander Meer, Executive Director, Community Recovery Interrnational,
Grand Rapids, MI